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Why Join Now?

Our team is very grateful that you are considering joining our platform at this early stage. Registration is very straightforward and should take about 10 seconds.

Whether you are just a visitor, volunteer, or represent an Environmental Project or Business – we need you as a part of the Teioh community to help us shape a path thru further development. 

You can see how the Teioh Platform would work here and the developing stages at our roadmap. Please be assured the information provided during registration will be used for the Platform development only and strictly confidential. 

By joining Teioh now, you guaranteed to be on the Platform during the Pilot Launch and have full access to all tools and benefits at early 2023

Early bird registration benefits for Environmental Projects and initiatives: 

  • Full and Exclusive Integration into the Teioh Platform

  • 12 months 24/7 full individual technical support and Project administration 

  • Early Project Rating build up with a following higher priority of funds allocation

  • 12 months of full access to every premium feature and tools on the Platform

Early bird registration benefits for Businesses: ​

  • 12 months 24/7 full individual technical support

  • Early Business Rating build up with a following higher loyalty within Platform users

  • Individual Audience Targeting integration with 12 months of further support

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